i think its very cool and funny
nice i didnt know he was walkin until i read the whole thing
WOW good job
wow the fart was soo strong that it killed a SPARTAN!
One Of The Bezt Maps Ive Ever Seen
looks like the same map on HALO 2 good job
i didnt get it at first then i saw what you ment then laughed..now i wanna download
woow thats great!! Don't spam pl0x ... - TexturedSun
howd you do that?
cool i have really been waiting for these kind of maps
Omg Bacon!!!!!!! Lol Thats Funny
OMG bacon!!!!!!!...that made me laugh for 6 hours
ya your that person haha
wow EVERYBODY is asking how you got recon...PEOPLE ITS NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!
Its 2 turrents interlocked....but can you do 4 interlocked hahaha...It Could Work
everybody knows there fake...[stupid]...ive never seen anybody that got recon just because of a pic. but still good pic
i like gears too mabey we could play together but let the art continew
cool you guys r great
wow rally cool looks like the guy from force unleeshed