That IS catchy... sort of. I liked it when the Plasma Rifle sound happened. :D
That was hilarious when you were standing on top of your RR team mate, trying to get him to drive the mongoose. xD
That is just messed up... I am extremely confused by this! :(
LOL. Funny. What's with the shield doors and power-ups, though?
It's a guy getting off a mongoose and then you edited it with a program. Sorry, but nothing special. 0/5
I've done that before. I like the look of the warthog. Cool screenshot. 3/5
I don't get the point to your Thread Title, but that screenshot is nothing special. 0/5
Put a black 1 px border around it! Quick!
Hillary is a monkey? OMFG, sweet! I love monkeys! HILLARY FOR VICE PRESIDENT! lawlzorz