They look like the Jonas Brothers all grown up. lol
Turbo Gerbil! I remember you sorta. I dont know if you remember me :(
I posted here and would value your input.
Hey Fbu. I was wondering if you could give me a better status on your RPG in progress. It seems interesting, but reading through 60+ pages to find...
I like the use of a two level MLG style and the layout you decided to use to make the extra level look and function decently. 3.5 out of 5 stars...
This map looks very interesting and seems like you put a lot of time into making it look clean. Well done. You got mah download. ^_^ 4.5 out...
Too many weapons for a MLG map (imo). If an MLG map was a freakin' maze, BRs would be useless. There doesn't have to be something in every...
Hey. I've deleted my thread because I decided to tweak a lil more. Thanks though! =D
Interesting map. Can Team Slayer be played on this? Otherwise, I'm going to give it another look through and I'll edit this post with my review....
that would be great man. this is how I want you to do it. On Warfield, use iRaid to show where the territories are located all in one screenshot...
im wondering... what is your avatar?
It's an interesting map, but some structures seem pointless. 4 out of 5 stars
I like the arrangement. Also, the Laser idea is smart, too. Did you put the respawn of the Laser in your post? I didn't see it. Otherwise, this is...
I quit retail servers once I hit 70 with my Shadow Priest. That was before the expansion. I ended up making a private server and after I got...
youre epic! =D
Braid FTW! woot. =D
would you reccomend getting Mirror's Edge?
Why did Agemscor even make an account if he never does anything!? :P
I lub ur signature. :3
Both make a person do nothing and become dependent on it. Not worth it. The world is dumb enough anyways... Dude, almost anything in the world...