i skimmed thru your post, that sounds really serious and gross, id be worried, go to the doctors again or the emergency room
Yeah elites were in Halo 2 and were the primary enemy in the game.
I remember threads like this before in GC and OT. Whats the point?
um i think its called techno from dafont.com in the blocks category
Theres always Reach people.
4:49 ftw and the one before that. The first 2 minutes werent that funny though.
Could you give more of an explanation on these programs?
First one is best! Kitty Emblem FTW!! Rest are bland, second one has a plasticy look which isnt good.
Like Bungie staff and staff of other popular halo sites, fyi
Alone is the best and a really great shot. The burning structure in back is nice. The rest are bland and boring. Alone=Cool
Covenant Fleet and Nebula are great. Saturn couldve been better if those stripes werent on it. Simple but Nice.
Could use different angle for more of a dramatic effect. The yellow spark is what bugs me the most though okay for an action shot. Keep tryin
Torchic ftw. I read the story, it t'was a fail. but my score stands You probably couldv eposted pics in the Screenshot forum instead putting it...
That song is okay. Good instrumentals, the tune starts to get boring after awhile. Good song for epicly lame movies. 6.5/10 YouTube - As...
theyve made the other 2 for pc. Im guessing they are having problems translating forge and other technical problems.
I think you can, other mac software has been posted
This is advertising. The guy on that replied on that forum even said "I posted on Bnet and Forge hub so at least we get more members"
Wait whats Halo 3 :Forge Evolved? Let me google that.
Nope works for me. Maybe you should try in a different browser. Hmm...lemme think.... Mozilla Firefox!!!!!!
Split-Screen :: The Game-Geek’s Daily Read Rumour: Halo 3 PC in 2009, Gears of War to Stay Xbox-Exclusive? So do you think its going to happen...