very nice idea, it looks great
lol, this looks very fun
nice post and map for a first try, this map looks well planned out and balanced,
it could use more pics, i cant tell alot. it could use more interlocking, and usually competitve maps dont have alot of power weapons everywhere....
this looks very empty, not at all competitive, also try some interlocking
looks nice and well interlocked, i like that mini garage for the mongoose
looks very well interlocked and very original
lol, i have pic thats just like this eccept it was more like surfing. nice pic though its funny
seems potoshoped, if it isnt... then awosme find and pic
looks awsome, and the background gave the ghost a nice touch
the pic is ok, whats makes it great is the falcon paaawnch you added
looks sweet, nice pic
nice map, its been awhile since ive seen one on Valhalla
looks great, definantly original, and from the pics it loos loke its fun to play on
looks awsome, cleanly interlocked and very original. and that next map your working on looks awsome
It seems good, you really gotta get those pics working
looks nice, but bumpy in some spots
looks very nice and very original, nice job on the interlocking. and that bridge was a nice touch
this looks awsome, very origianal and cleanly built
looks well built, i see some great ideas from this map, nice job