it looks a bit plain could use some more objects and interlocking. it looks like the map everyone would build when they were new to forging. I...
this map looks sweet. very nice interlocking. it looks well buikt, and that curved wall looks like a nice add
wow dude, this looks awsome. very nice setup and interlocking. this is one of the best MLG maps ive seen
nice job, it does look kinda sloppy in some places. interlocking could make this a whole lot better
dang, all these look awsome. very nice setup of the map. i especialy like the first and last one
looks kinda bare, could use some interlocking. but it looks great to play on
it loosk great. nicely interlocked. but bare in some places. i think the middle part could have been done better
looks great, very nice setup. but its way to easy to get out of the map
this looks awsome, original too. very nicely interlocked, this has to be one of the best maps ive seen opn blackout since lunar chronicle
it looks very well interlocked and has a nice look to it. the weapons are very nicely placed
nice merging and interlocking. this map is definantly original. the 4th pic had me sold
looks awsomw. very nice interlocking. i especially like the setup of the map
that one guy is right, it has been done before, but this is one of the best. I Dld and this is VERY fun to play on. all my friends and I couldnt...
nice job and idea (even though its not original) i like how you can fall of the map. but it might be annoying getting hammered off. Also for...
it looks sloppy, did you interlock? also you NEED to embedd the pics on HERE
looks great very original, also very nice job on the construction of the map
this looks awsome, very original, neat and well put together. this is a definant DL
not the best ive seen, but very nice job. the second floor is very neat. Ill DL and try it out
it looks great, i love map like these. ill DL and try it out
very orginal, looks fun to play on. the backstory is a nice add too