This map looks very plain and not much fun to play on. I think you have some potential. but you shoul dlearn to interlock and block off the two...
you really should put up more pictiuers. But the interlocking looks nice and the gamplay seems like it will run smoothly but it does look a little...
looks very nice and well put together. but if you interlocked this map could have alot more potential. no interlocking can make gameplay bumby
looks great and very original. gameplay looks great, but could use some more ground cover and some more pics. Also what is that man-cannon for?
wow, this is a definant DL. it looks well constructed and nicely merged and interlocking. Som epart looks very original
finally, a great non-DLC map. it looks like this was carefuully planned out and that it will be great to play on
wow, this looks awsome very nice merging and interlocking, especially on the ceneter part. it looks very neat and well constructed. also great to...
looks great. very original and well constructed. nice use of pillars
nice merging and interlocking. The map looks very well planned out and great to play on
this looks sweet. i lik ethe layout of the map. nice interlocking and merging
looks sweet. very nice job, not the best tunnel map ive seen but its pretty good
this looks sweet. I like the setup of the map. very original
this looks awsome. very origianl, nice interlocking and merging
nice job, it looks like a nice brawl map, and it looks very clean, but it could have had less poewer weapons and some cover where you spawn
loooks very nice. i like the construction of the map, but it could use some more interlocking in places
nice idea, it looks well setup and great to play on, but could use some interlocking
looks awsome. very nice interlocking and setup. it look like itll be great to play on
very nice merging and interlocking. this map looks very original and well built
this looks sweet. very nice job. this looks awsome for oddball and swords
thats hillarious. and a nice add was what reynbow said... president dive lol