Amazing looking map, great geomerging with the bridge and it sort of looks like the highway from the campaign. The bases also look amazing, looks...
Clean looking map, looks to be a good FFA map. you did a good job 3/5 My Maps Serenity Iridium [IMG]
Good Looking map, Looks like it would be fun for CTF 4/5
Amazing looking map can't wait to play it. Great geomerging 5/5
Looks very clean and looks amszing,I'll download and get back
Well made map I give 5/5, one of the best I have played on sandbox good job
Amazing map and a download from me and 5/5
A great map looks like it would be good for btb and mabey make a v2 with action shots, so people know u have tested it
Amazing geomerging, great job on the whole map deffinant download 5/5
For the people who have played my map should i add a banshee or a chopper where the missle pod is?
lime play it before you talk about the gameplay on it because it works very well when you play on it, try it yourself.
Selenity V2 Selenity V2 [IMG] Made By: brankeoh & asrto man 3 Please post, and Rate at top right of thread! Youtube Gameplay From V1...
hey can anyone tell me how to create a poll this is my first post
Iridium Made By: brankeoh This is a large map created in the crypt. This map supports 2 - 8 players and plays best on CTF and slayer. This map...