Eh, I have no idea why I'm making this. Whatever. I play a mean alto saxaphone. And I'm sorry if the poll options are vague, only 10 options...
I am writing this entire thing with speech recognition. This is so awesome. It's a little cumbersome at first, but it gets easier as time goes on....
ODST Stats are up. Here's how I'm looking like in firefight. [IMG] To learn how to find out go here....
I want to set up my laptop with a cord that will allow me to use my laptop on my TV. As in I could play PC games on my TV. Does anyone have any...
Can't preorder the game? Planning on winning the lottery on the day of release? Well do I have a link for you!...
Seeing as the other videmaster thread is really just people saying they need annual and some saying they are willing to help, I made this. You...
How would YOU like to get back into guild wars. Well today's your lucky day! I vote we all start a new Forgehub guild, for the time being at...
Drunk's Airborne Car Rips Through 2nd Floor of House | NBC New York A Long Island home lay in ruins Saturday after a speeding Jeep hit an...
Anyone else hate how some people have ridiculous stereotypical attitudes because you enjoy a game? And while yes, this is a Halo versus Call of...
Just curious, what games do you guys have every achievement on? That doesn't have to include DLC. My personal list: Halo 3: Pre-Mythic DLC...
For a few months I have been looking for a capture card that did not require output jacks, which I couldn't. I also required it to be HD. I just...
A trailer for each of the new maps, check em out. YouTube - Halo 3 Heretic Trailer YouTube - Halo 3 Citadel Trailer YouTube - Longshore...
YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Mythic Maps Trailer I scrambled some of the IGN clips together into a fan made trailer. Enjoy! And please subscribe, as...
My poll for this is here. : Halo 3: ODST Forum : Sgt. Johnson ODST Helmet. Good Idea? I think that we should have the option to...
In all seriousness, what do you call Halo 3: ODST in converstation? I say Hay-Low Three Oh-Dee-Ess-Tee. I know my friends call it Oh-dist. Some...
Who wins? Warning, Spoilers up to the sixth book, at least I think if you've read to the sixth your safe. YouTube - Harry Potter vs. Voldemort...
If for some reason mods manage to see this, please lock. I don't want it up anymore. And please don't post the lock like usual. It's quite...
This thread is to clean all the constant clutter of people saying wouldn't it be cool if Bungie added this to forge. It's also our wishlist for...
You're the only geek in your grade... Who else goes to a school where you're the only geeky geek. Geek doesn't include wannabe's or people that...