Sorry, still not getting it. Can you tell me what I need in each area? Area 1 (Blue team initially spawns here in phase 1 and respawns here by...
I think eventually the best of the best will make its way forward through the community. Right now I have a map that I made and
Will for the Forge + Invasion tutorial on Bungie's page...I tried using that but it didn't help. I have four areas of my map. 1....
I created an invasion map and I'm still having major problems with my spawns. I went into forge in the bone-yard and spire maps to check out how...
My initial idea was to make a fortress that looked like Minas Tirith but I ran out of pieces and budget so the idea changed. I'll probably switch...
I can't ever get a bomb to spawn.....what am I doing wrong. I've been trying to set it up so phase 1 is deliver a bomb, phase 2 is capture and...
Hey guys, I have been working on a map that I have finished in terms of aesthetics but have been having some problems with in terms of spawn and...
Your map looks a little like mine. Funny we chose the same place to put up the main wall. I have made a bunch of changes to mine since taking...
This video helped me out big time. Bungie's guide is confusing and this showed me how to set phased re-spawns by changing Game Type Label to...
I have a map called Minas Tirith---wanted to do a remake of the map but the amount of objects necessary wouldn't have been possible to do...
My Mistakes so far 1. I thought putting in a safe area meant the people spawning inside that point cannot be hurt. Incorrect. It is basically a...
I like Forge 2.0 much better. Phased objects make manipulation of these objects so much easier. Using the snap tool and coordinated makes lining...
That funny, the next map I have planned is going to be an attempt to do Minas Tirith. And I'm planning a bomb explosion at the front gate to open...
Thanks, I came across that a few minutes ago. Will be a very helpful guide. : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT Good read.
How do you make the rock wall disappear? Do you use settings for the individual rocks in the way and set them to disappear when the second phase...
Thanks....just saw that post on the Bungie forums this morning and was on my way over her to post it. Great information. Putting the finishing...
I guess that is a little better but I still think the pricing scheme is a little high.
The other day I saw someone's file share have a video you could download to WMV format on your computer. I thought this was cool because I could...
I'm having the same problem... I'm in advanced options for the flah and I see the following: Spawn Sequnece: 0 Place at Start: True Game...