Thanks! I have certainly worked hardest on this map over any others I have made. I really do try to unite aesthetics and gameplay because I feel...
So far this looks beautiful, have you tried removing the lights to help framerate issues? Anyways I do agree that you should change things to make...
This is well forged and different looking. The aesthetics are plain but it runs smooth. I'm impressed you included invasion even if I never play...
What I did is removed the walls between hangars, economized parts, and made the upper hallways easier to traverse by replacing the sidewinder...
[IMG] YouTube - SkyDock.wmv < [ SkyDock ] > Some of you may have seen my map preview of Hangar a couple weeks ago, well there have been some...
Its funny this thread should be be resurrected, I just finished reworking nearly the entire map, I believe I have the layout, lines of sight and...
Its my largest to date map, it can handle a BTB match I'd say so a 1v1 would be slightly dull. May I recommend rigged in my signature for a 1v1...
Thanks, I wanted this one to be unique and expansive rather than claustrophobic and disorienting. Nah it does need work, eventually I will get...
You need more pics so people know what they are downloading, try and make them descriptive rather than artistic also.
Looks like you ra out of pieces because you didn't use the economically. Use the largest pieces you can for walls to save parts. A lot of your...
I remember this map from a while ago, I helped you and Youtuber with some ideas. Its definitely a good layout and design. I'd like to see how it...
Are the staff picks those pinned maps at the top of the map list?
You already know I love the map, plays very well!
Hey this looks interesting, the layout has some potential, but I think some of the design could be cleaned up. I'm not a fan of those double doors...
V3 is now up, see Op for details, thanks!
I'm not sure what to do with blue base, it would be a tough rebuild I think, but its possible.
I started editing already and I agree it needs some help, and I'd be very grateful for any advice you could give me. Currently I am finding ways...
I have a high volume thread on the forums so they will take noticed, I also messages the one in charge of the playlist. I'm awaiting...
Well it seems it was stolen sadly. Its cool it made it to mm, but not under my name. I can't understand why they would do this and think they...
I like the idea its creative and fun looking. I think the arena could improve with some banked transition between the edges and the walls to give...