I'm going to make another video with just the sound affects unless i get a good song for it..glad most of you like the video
Here is a really funny video that was going to be an xbox 360 commercial but was banned obviously of the subject and language. May be disturbing...
OK great I will reply to two of you has soon as I can send me a friends request on xbl....GT: TKOwnedU5
Ya sorry you tube had some difficulties trying to upload the real song the first song was corny now vid is sweet glad most of you like it!!!
[IMG] Hey everyone I need 1 or 2 EA skate 2 partners to make some sweet videos I'm a great video taker...and I am really good at doing trick...
way to contribute to my social group Surpass the Ordinary I really appreciate exactly whats i was looking for well done!
wow great weapon placement hard to forge on her so i'll give u props my favorite part is the merge with mama oricle. nice!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwiwkeFh_uc there u go me in skate 2 just a preview better vids coming soon tell me what u think!!!
great map ur just what I'm looking for
This map looks amazing you have gave me so many ideas I love the mega jump this race map is THE BEST the interlocking is so neat and...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD78phB0QM0 alrighty guys i finaly found out how to do this tell me what you think....go easy on me its my first...
wow what u left on my blog was really stupid I do not spam alot....and i do not get warned a lot i got warned once jeez calm down what you all jumpy..
wow looks very clean and very well built. I love the layout of the map perfect and the ceiling is amazing so well.....And the game type looks fast...
Thanks one question how do i invite people to my group that made here at forge do you know?
as a matter of fact i am and yes i made a skate park...version 2 should be up soon...
Ya I'm pretty good at that game
To me this makes a little sense your description doesn't help much but I'll give it a try... I'm guessing your map is that both teams spawn in the...
Skate 2 I need the professional camera/video taking bundle
its ok i just need the points
ah lol I understand.....I'll ask people I do know...sorry if i offended u in any way