Thank you...your the type of person that I greatly appreciate. And thanks for your polite Criticism.
Ok just saying in my opinion the ramp was not HORRIBLE it was not the worst thing you have ever seen I mean it had a few bumps here and there but...
Thats ok I accept your criticism, now I know what needs to be improved in V3
Hey thanks man for pretty much clearing things up for me...I found the creator/helper of this mega ramp his name is OptimusPrime er what I did was...
Thanks! :) Yes you do go a lot faster down the mega ramp lol its just amazing Glad you like it!
[IMG] That's right version 2 of the X-Games Skate Parks is here! Sorry it took so long I just kinda took a break from halo for awhile but now I'm...
You gave me an infraction when It wasn't me that said that!
are saying that the site was a joke or this whole deal was a joke
hey does really work?
I did have 22 but my friend hact into it so now only 5 :(
Yes you can convert your cash into points but you can't convert your points to cash:(.... There is this thing called refferals....its a link...and...
ok well there is this thing called referalls you can try that to get more points or $$ but you said i get 20% of what you get what do you mean...I...
OK ok it was alright not that funny....night video taking but not that funny to me just stupid no offense
o alright sorry if i frustrated you good map again..
Ya it would pretty stupid if Microsoft actually put this on t.v
why can't u make a tut or tutorial on how you did it please I don't want to got threw all that hassle
Hey you probably don't know me but I really enjoy forging and I saw your map...Moon Waffle can you somehow explain to me please how you built that...
YouTube - TKOwnedU5 Skate 2 Again! here is another skate 2 video!
Well there u have it yet another video by me. Still not the best...I still need to get the camera pack so until then just deal with this....tell...
Wow great replies sorry for necro post but this thread seems good!