Archery on horseback isn't all that bad. I wish you could use some types of magic, because it's pointless if your a Mage.
Danny Brown - Grown Up (Produced by Party Supplies) - YouTube
I feel like it all depends on how you start your character. I was a full out tank until level 70, then I turned myself into a Mage just so I could...
Back to my blink phase I go! "Dammit" // Transit and Frank Turner (blink-182 Cover) - YouTube
I heard that you will no longer be attacked on sight as a Stage 4 Vampire, only if you become a vampire lord. this **** true?
too late.
That's exactly what I thought when I saw that Flak-ish gun. From what I can see in the first video, those 2(?) maps look like a mix of Countdown...
When I read the article yesterday morning I was 100% sure I was being trolled. Did we really need a thread though? A simple PPC post would have...
What the **** is this ****
My laptop is sitting next to my xbox, so I doubt I'll ever use the browser. Any news on the remastered Doom 3 & ROE game? Supposedly it comes with...
A round from Reach's sniper? :D Maybe we'll get some marathon-esque story where you have to stop the AI from helping the enemy (Tycho in M1,...
I have mixed feelings about this internet browser, I mean it would be nice to have, but then again, internet explorer. Also Halo 4 looks like...
Less than Jake - Let Her Go - YouTube
New sega console? I thought sega was like, dead. Also I hope there's more info on Doom 3 BFG Edition.
Exactly what I was thinking as I filled this out. I only actively use one of like four.
1 of about 30 in a rotation thing. [IMG]
****. I absolutely despise vampires and I always accidentally become one without knowing and get raped when I walk into Whiterun. I wish I hadn't...
Shadowrun, on the SNES (not the 2007 one).
Reminds me of a book I read recently, "Cryptic". Anyway how the hell did he keep eating after getting shot?