It sound like a great idea to me, and from the fountain it looks like you have the skills to pull something like this off. But one question: why...
I got an intense Hero Medal on round two wave five when I was last man half way through the wave. Everyone was amazed I survived. And I have 199...
High Ground was V1, Isolation was V1 - V3, Blackout was V5 and a map called Stockpile on foundry was V4. Fun to see how MLG has changed.
No problem, your thread actually made me want to play on some of the older versions too so I set out looking for it. Wasn't too hard. I had...
[IMG] Slandered loadout for a next gen soldier. Can handle almost any situation effectivly. You have the M5A1 as your primary, inspired by the...
No there really was, and a few other oddities. Check this link MLG V1-V6 Maps Collection - MLG Forums it has every MLG Map and every version of...
To me it looks like a 40lb box of rape. You know you want to open it.
GT: ABigDumbOgre [spoiler]
YouTube - MOVITS! - Fel Del Av Gården (Officiell) YouTube - MOVITS! - Äppelknyckarjazz Video (Officiell) Saw them on the Colbert Report a...
If you still have an original Xbox then I recommend Unreal Tournament II. I saw it as being as good as UT III, but it is much cheaper. Most of my...
In French class, my friends and I would play PIG with a paper wad and the recycling bin. My friend Dave says really dumb stuff, and we make jokes...
1) Modern Warefare 2 - It looks simply amazing. CoD4 is my favorite game, and two years later I still play it. Even if MW2 is just CoD4 with extra...
Had the original 20 GB one, but after two RRoD I got the 120 GB LE Resident Evil Elite. Yay sexy red xbox and red controller.
I think it would just be SOPMOD mode (unless it has a grenade launcher). But yeah if it works like you hope it would be pretty unbalanced. Another...
I know it might be a waste, but I think something like a ghillie suit/snow camo suit in perk one would be bad ass. I wish more than just snipers...
Try shooting his sword out of his hand. If you cant immediately backpedal around in a circle while shooting him. Eventually he will go down. Oh...
I listen to a wide variety of music while I game Eminem Guns N' Roses Linkin park. Barenaked Ladies Modest Mouse The Game (only How we Do) Black...
For May Mythic will be optional, but if you read the line above the category Softballin' it says that in June mythic optional playlists will be...
Super Mario Kart for N64. That and NFL Blitz 98. One of the best sports games ever.
This is a completely valid question. If the units and buildings were not Halo themed, instead some other "default" units (ex modern military),...