As an above average Blackhawk pilot, I get both of my gunners plenty of kills. I just fly low, and either hover for a bit or rock back and forth,... And I mean that I fire the gun in bursts. Not three shot burst like the FAMAS and M16, but why should I go full auto and ruin the...
Medic class! And the XM8 LMG is awesome. I have the two you unlock after it, but I prefer the XM8 + Red Dot Sight. It's a one burst kill with low...
Rank 16. I have maxed the Vehicle and Medic classes, while being 1 unlock (I believe) away from maxing the Recon and Engineer classes. As for...
So I play Rush a lot, but seeing as none of my friends have BC2 yet, I'm often stuck in games on a squad with nobody talking and no teamwork...
I didn't see Hurt Locker, so I can't speak about that. But I can say that after seeing Avatar, I left the movie impressed by the special effects...
I love the Type 88 with a 4x or Red Dot scope. I become an offensive sniper, and am out-shooting Medics or Engineers at pretty close range. For...
Agreed completely. I can see banning some of the higher killstreaks, but every gun and perk as its own pros and cons, as well as ways to counter...
Got two nukes in the span of an hour yesterday. One was with the Thermal M21 on Scrapyard (possibly my favorite map) and the other was on Karachi...
The stats lie. I believe silencers reduce damage, not just range like it says. It turns my M21 (about a third of the time one hit kill) into a two...
To Crane's post: The reason you could pull off "trophy" kills (holding X) in the front is because after you attack an enemy with a heavy attack...
Bring the M40 back. Bring the G3 back. Bring Overkill back. And I think they confirmed it, but isn't Overgrown coming back in a map pack? And...
R.I.P. Gaines Adams. He was an incredibly talented player, and too young to have died.
"Doesn't have to reload as much" isn't as good as not reloading at all. And I have more fun with the chopper gunner because it gets me more...
I prefer the Chopper gunner much more. I prefer it's constant fire over the reload times of the AC130, and it is easier to get kills with (in my...
I use Wrex and Ashley the most. If I use any one else, it's Garrus. Does anyone use Kaiden or Tali? I don't think in any of my playthroughs have...
I remember how excited I was when I first heard you could use an AC 130 in MW2, until I realized that it sucked horribly (except on one or two...
R.I.P Chris Henry. I'm pulling for the Bengals now as my second team, my thoughts are with his family.
To get nukes, I play CTF and camp on D. Use the class: ACR - Heartbeat sensor. G18 - Akimbo (Replacing with any shotgun works as well) Stun...
On a game of CTF, I called in a predator missle on what looked like two red squares who were defending. Apparantly, all 6 teammates decided to...