Nope, it's true
That's mean
Dude, you're ****ing lame.
Religion cannot be tested by science. Period. End of story, no argument, etc. Religion is based on beliefs and faith. Science requires testable...
I am a Pastafarian thank you very much. I'm imagining nothing. I speak the truth of his Noodliness.
False. You need to read the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster before claiming to know anything about his Holy Noodliness. Sound familiar?...
Exactly, there is a lack of evidence but you can draw some reasonable conclusions that there probably isn't a sabre tooth tiger chilling in there...
That's one of the major arguments both for and against the existence of a god. Those against would say that everything is governed by the physical...
That assumes, of course, that a god plays by our physical laws. I'm sure those who promote this idea will claim he isn't limited by thermodynamics.
How can you prove that there is a god? How can you prove that the true god isn't the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
No, the question is "Why is there a magic man in the sky controlling everything?" Why does he do it? What does he gain from doing it? What is his...
Religion is not the biggest lie. That title belongs to telling a child that there is a magic man in the sky controlling everything. Every time...
Truthiness is powerful stuff, use it well.
Actually, animals killing one another is quite common. It usually comes about through the fight for dominance in a clan/pack/whatever. source...
False. According to Princeton Wordnet: (n) proof, cogent evidence (any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something) By that...
That is not proof. That is a statement of opinion. Sort of like: I don't think Christianity is right, but I think the Flying Spaghetti Monster is...
Why would you want to swap from the perfectly sensible system where 12 of something (12 in) equals one of something (1 ft), which three of equals...
If you are implying that current lifeforms descended from common ancestors over the course of millions of years via the process of evolution, then...
You know what corduroyCHUCK, I don't think I've ever seen anyone turn the irreducible complexity idea around and use that to argue against an...
There cannot be a logical argument against any of his statements because all paths lead to the same conclusion that god cannot exist. But that...