Radiation is merely decaying matter. It's either alpha, beta, or gamma particles which are basically highly energized forms of helium or hydrogen...
No. Matter is not destroyed in black holes and it isn't created in a theoretical white hole (we have no evidence outside of mathematical formulas...
The big bang does not depend upon the creation of matter/mass. It assumes that they already existed in an infinitely dense point. The big bang...
That is not how that breaks down. If there is no evil, then there is only good. If there is no good, then there is only evil. Of course those two...
But it's entertaining. People like to debate each other for fun.
What? Have you ever taken any biology classes? Evolution is simply the changing in genetic material in organisms from one generation to the next....
Is it not selfish to think that your god is right and someone else's god is wrong? Some people live horrible lives and all they care about is...
WRONG. We did not evolve from chimps. We shared a common ancestor with chimps. I certainly hope you did not learn that in college. Read More
Surprise! A god debate falling to endgame? That's never happened before...
I like how you are trying to change the subject. It always seems to happen at the exact same point too. Usually when you realize there is no...
Again, the way science works is that evidence is presented to test a hypothesis and draw conclusions based upon experimentation. The mere chance...
MLG = has ranks, therefore people will de-level BTB = lets guests in, so 50% of the players suck welcome to halo 3
How so?
What is BTB?
"God works in mysterious ways." If God is not mysterious then he must be understood. Obviously this is not the case or we wouldn't be having this...
Sure he is. Prove me otherwise.
Faith doesn't require proof. It merely requires belief in something.
That is the basis of the word faith. All religion is built upon it. Trying to argue otherwise is unwise as no religion can be supported factually.
Show me this evidence. The probabilistic chance of evidence existing does not lend credence to a hypothesis. Only verifiable, credible,...