Your religion isn't against the process of evolution. Even the Catholic Church acknowledges that evolution occurs in the world around us. What is...
You can blame religion for violence when the people who commit the acts explicitly say they're doing it for religious reasons. The word "jihad"...
Oh really? I believe the Crusades and Inquisition alone raise an objection to that claim. Throw in the priest child abuse scandals, the Church's...
Overall I agree with that statement. Disease is the number one killer of people. But as for deaths caused by people killing each other, religion...
Why does it have to be a sign from god? Could it not simply be interpreted as good luck combined with the advanced safety systems of today's...
Religion is not the only source of morality in the world and to say that an atheist cannot have morals is insulting at best. If the numerous...
No. It's too long XD I believe this graph explains it... [IMG] I also believe the x-axis could be replaced with "Depth of Content in Post."
So you're saying that everything is predetermined. That would mean that God almost let you be raped so that you would believe in him. I don't care...
I'm sorry you had to experience that. Humans are a cruel species. I had a friend who was relatively secular until a tree fell upon his house and...
Ok... that makes absolutely no sense. What are natural bundles? The logic behind Nitrous' idea wouldn't change if we were working in base 2 or...
He's preemptively presenting the argument with apples to counter any claims that his logic is fallacious when really it only applies to the...
The big bang theory does not state what existed prior to the events described by the theory or how that came to exist. It only states that there...
Quantum mechanics does not involve teleportation, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Read about it. Just because it's complicated...
No No No No I'd certainly hope that asteroid chunks don't come from anything else but an asteroid, otherwise its name is misleading....
Please never spell the word "Medieval" the way you did. Seriously? mid-evil? The evolution you are talking about would take place over hundreds...
You clearly don't know what you're talking about, so read up on evolution before trying to bastardize it. Evolution is the change in genetic...
Well, if that were to happen, I think it would clear up a lot of stuff.
I agree. Also, try to support your arguments with more reputable sources. If your sources are weak, your argument appears weak. Wouldn't want that...
You are basing your argument upon an unreliable source, which therefore draws into question your entire argument. Exactly the same way people say...
Dude your source describes itself as "Official website of One Evil, unified understanding, revelation and truth of Evil." How is that a reputable...