wow thats insane that seems extremly hard to get but nice though ive only got a triple doing that it shouldnt have even been a triple
i really have look on alo charts ina while i think the lasttime i check i was like 150000 in the world lol not that good but it only goes by exp i...
you should just make a normal map and the convert it into a swat map it gets your mind off of making a swat map and just puts it on making a map...
i would join but im probably the worst driver in the world i flip my warthog over on a dead body thats how much i stink at driveing lol and btw...
yea i did that in a one v one today i was 1 shot and ran away and he came around the corner then i jump over him killing him with a ghandi or...
i would probably play an 8v8 flag or somthing, somthing that takes teamwork not just going out there and kiling people or i would just play simple...
nice i use it because when you jump you br is still on his head or where you were aming at.
wow thats like a perfect match way to have perfect eyes or it would have been forever before anyone figured that out just like how long it took to...
they dont spawn itjust best for you to move and kill them like a line so that you wonthave anything coming behind you shooting you and killing you...
i think it has about a 20% chance of happening becausesome halo fans think that the trilogy is over and it would ust cause chaosi think though...
if i could make a new map pack it wouldbe onyx because of the planet onyx when you beat halo 3 on legendary the planet in the background i think...
i think that would be perfect swat maps to change the course of forgeing instead of mlg it will be swat i think you and you friend should go...
me too i went to the mall esterday and went to gamestop and odst was listed for release in july to but bungie said that they would not release it...
i didnt know that you could even do that, thats pretty cool mabey now you wont have to worry about running out of space in the crypt you can just...
ive always been curious what button layout most people play one wether its bumber jumpers or default or boxer any button layout. i play on bumber...
i think that the map looks really cool the way everything is placed makes the map really good and the fact that its inthe sky buble means its...
it looks quite nice but it seems a little to open but i can see the layout very well and awsome use of geomerging and merging it alwasy wakes the...
thats extremely creative ive never thought about making a mario party on halo 3 andit also looks like great fun. i can almost see me plying this...
what is your favorite 1v1 map most people that i have asked say gaurdian but i want your guys opinion on this topic and please no trash talk or...
like most people have said it looks far to small maybe this map would be good for a one v one. i will download and see how the map is and how big...