I second that. Awesome GT. Hmmm, funniest GT I've seen besides Pat McRotch would have to be something along the lines of IPWNHALO3 and he was...
That would be it if it is. Otherwise, either try dropping someone. Or play H2H or Lone Wolves, that way you only depend on yourself, not team members.
-.- Nerds of FarCry 2? I'm probably getting this game and I see nothing nerdish about it. I never played the first one, I just think the second...
I used to think it was terrorism. Then I was skeptical. Now, after watching Zeitgeist, I'm almost certain that it was a set-up to get us to go to...
LOL. That's awesome. I found that to be annoying also. The Joker in this video actually looked similar to the Joker in the real movie.
What if I made a 2v2 map on a cliffside, with which had spires and was twisty, and a fallen building next to it, and a cavern behind the cliffside...
No Mealon you have it wrong. He is saying that the wall would be made up of double boxes, boxes, walls, double walls, fence boxes, fence walls,...
Looks interesting. I've never seen this idea before. I qued up and I'll try it out tomorrow. Also, you know DarkLegacy and Tyler?
Nope, sorry.
[/COLOR][/COLOR] Sneaky linubidix. And you thought I didn't see that? LOL The map looks good, and looks like it would play nice. I can't really...
These videos of traffic cone kills/deaths are all the same. They are all on the pit, and they are all called "Traffic Cone Ownage." It was cool,...
must be confused
Is it weird that I didn't notice the car until the second playthrough?
My brother showed them to me a couple of days ago, and I've been listening to them ever since. Stand up is a great song.
As long as you give credit you should be fine.
Wow that's amazing. I can't wait for the editable version. Also, the textures are great. But, I don't get the whole "reflection thing" though....
While it would be more awesome, it is not possible.
I see nothing wrong with it. I'm against censorship as a whole. I mean if you're a baby animal in the wild, you see it all the time. It doesn't...
I have thought about this a lot. I have wondered what would have happened if we never existed. What if there was no life, no meaning, nothing?...
My GT is l Hoff l I get L Hoff L all the time as well as Hoof. Seriously. -.-