Looks very interesting. I'm glad that more people are making maps based around good gameplay. All there is on the map is weapons, and thought out...
Hey I'm making an arena styled map, and to identify the bases I want to use A and B signs, but I want them to be smooth with the walls. So, how...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBfrnOENUxM Go to the end of the video, it shows a new map. Possibly a new Forge Map?
Yeah, you would have to keep saving and ending the game.
What? My intent wasn't to insult you I was just stating my opinion of why people act arrogant and make racist/sexist comments on the internet.
There really is no answer to why people do certain things. They act like dicks just because they can, because they know no other way to act, have...
I would, but I recently lost my GT4 disc. It sucks, now I can't spawn helicopters, fly to the tallest building and drive my motorcycle off of it. =[
It depends on the setlist. If RB2 has a better setlist I'll consider it. But... I like the GHWT display better, and also the ability to create...
Halo 1. Not much to say there. I still play it, its fun, its balanced, it has good maps. Also its a classic.
I agree with reporting them. But also, just mute them and move on. People are always go to be arrogant and racist/sexist/rude on the internet....
The Pit looks good for such a simple map. On the other hand, I don't like the look of Soy Sauce. And, it looks like you stole the merged Wraith...
It's not announced yet. Also, Big Red One came after Call of Duty 2 if I'm not mistaken. I think it was totally different.
I'm still waiting for silence's version.=[ But, you need to make sure you plan out your map so you don't run out of resources.
Don't you hate it when they do that? It gets annoying. Either stick to numbers, or stick to added on names. World at War, Big Red One, San Andreas...
No, there is (sometimes) guitar in Country. Anyways, I personally dislike country, and I think that a game like that would be bad. Also, I...
Ok, so they reserved the rights to make the title Call of Duty 5. They get a high five. I forgot about Big Red One. So technically Call of Duty...
Sarcasm? Call of Duty : World at War, will be the FIFTH Call of Duty game. No matter what anyone says, it will be the FIFTH Call of Duty game....
It will suck. A lot. COD was good, COD2 was better, COD3 sucked, COD4 was decent, COD5 will suck the most. It goes back to WW2, and it uses the...
I like some of the aesthetic touches on the map. Like the middle crate, and the sword spawn. Or the stairs used as a ceiling over the stairs. It...
I like the idea, could I perhaps see the file?