does the link for sandbox environs still work?
this honestly isnt that great of an aesthetic piece. The forging is okay, and its just filled with weapons. There's nothing special here. That...
Thank you for figuring that out, being it is halloween right around the corner...
Note: The building with one access, has had a piece of the roof moved around, there are now two access points. By the way, that building is...
Meltdown Meltdown 8-16 Forgehub Thread [IMG]
Meltdown Created by DieHardAssassin [IMG] [IMG] Save on Bullet Gametype Hub of the Dead As shown, this map is a nuclear reactor...
Pretty sure the contest was to try and stray AWAY from **** zombies, which in all honesty, this map resembles. I think the gameplay may be bad,...
holy... I was making a map... exactly like this, nearly identical. However, mine is a bit different. Great idea. Great idea.
Change all of your text to this color please. Its hard to read the blue, and for other people with the original skin, they can't even read the...
Can't believe you just said that to Lightsout.. hahahahaha. and when you call someone retarded, then say no offence, you are being offensive....
You're an idiot. I've tried every single way to create a scoring system. This way presented in this soccer map is one of the BEST ways to create...
Whats stopping people from just camping the reciever node as the zombies walk through...? Thats a big problem edit: This map is also in the...
You really have to use timing when you score, because every 10 seconds, you will hear some fusion coils explode, this is the retrieval system...
hey make my maps
@ molemyster - Yes this is a bit like grifball in an essence, but it shouldnt be much more confusing. Score, and go through the teleporters, its...
Its not an auto-Teleport, the ball blocks the reciever node so you can walk through the sender node, there is no teleporting involved. This is...
T-3:00 created by DieHardAssassin T-3:00 is an infection game with 3 switches acting as timed map events. At certain points in the game the...
sorry but this map just doesnt do it for me, I got a couple games on it and it was kind of boring and it was basically just like playing on the...
^ truth
Squads on Kwads Small Review Air Hockey vS Small Review