map stealer this is barts chaple i got it 3 months ago you sick evil map stealer you disgust me so ya nice job
what is saphire
this seems like a very well made race track others are all bumpy but this one seems really smooth so nice job there i will dnld and check out so...
lloks preaty good i like the jump with the warthog but ya an overview would be nice cause i dont really get the whole map together so ya nice job
you wanna go for a quick bike ride
ya lets go
i like it the crag thing is sweet nice interlocking i know what you said about the open space but you could put some more stuff in there but still...
i like it the ladder thing is so cool i will definetly use it and i like the rock wall well really i like all of them so ya nice job
i like the map but in my opinion its just way to open i like the saftey thing but i have seen it before still good though so ya nice job
looks really sloppy but still looks good and fun to play on and nice design so ya nice job
nice job i like it it looks just like it i like where you put the plasma cannon so ya nice job
needs some interlocking but nice idea and design just get some interlocking but looks good so ya nice job
i think the idea is very creative and unique so nice job there and the interlocking is amazing i like the chrome room so ya nice job
i cant really see anything in the pics but from what i can see it looks good i will dnld and check out so ya nice job
dude sorry about the sigs didnt think it was such a big deal
i like it it looks good the interlocking is nice and nice design but it doesnt seem very creative to me but still its really good so ya nice job
love it the interlocking is amazing and i love the river and the bridge looks fun to play on too you got a dnld from me so ya nice job
the interlocking on the map looks good but it seems way to open you could add alot of stuff so ya nice job
i am going on now c u there
i am not a big fan of ghost town maps and this one is no dif it seems like all you did was teleporters more pix would be helpful so ya nice job...