Tex i agree with you it is easier to say that you have your own opinions than it is to really have opinions but i assure you that i do. My dad...
another stupid post matt you just post stupid things no offense but you havnt had one thread thats not stupid i am not trying to be mean but you...
i like them they look fun but challenging at the same time so ya nice job
Lately i have been asking why to a lot of things. Questioning everything, unsure about the truth. My opinions used to be the ideas of people i...
I agree with both of you And bushman i really agree with u i like customs but matchmaking is preatty stupid
Just the other day i was asked why do i forge. I did not know the answer to this question. So i thought and thought about it and i decided that i...
Jakattak is awesome send me a frnd rqst on xbox to Jakattak418
um your pics are not working so you might want to fix that before this gets locked so ya nice job
i like it i like the swords crossed and the elevators are a nice touch so ya nice job
oh ouch dude i have the best like ever like seriously best amazing awesome idea for a mapp but its gonna take a really long time cause its gonna...
i got em both now does ur xbox work now
i got the skate park one ill dnld the other one
um what
hey matt
wow um you didnt really doo much i have seen way better maps of what you are trying tto do so ya nice job
where did you get yr sig
g2g c ya
yo what is saphire
looks like a cool race map and a hard one too i dont think i will dnld just cause it seems way to dificult but still it looks good so ya nice job
very nice i like the idea and it looks well exicuted nice job it does seem like there would be alot of combat so ya nice job