holy c*** you actually gave him recon. WOW. Why though and i don't want it just surpirsing
NAO I r resurrected and NAO ANGRY :angry: YOUZ DONTZ likes MEZ when ANGRYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!! [IMG]
WTF does uh mean?
Nice look very similar to real air hockey (i have my own). Great interlocking and did you Geo-merge the shield doors or interlock them because...
and LIED
now i have nothing to live for, super emo sadface [IMG]
hey in the testers guild is it okay to lie because all this time ch33s3yb0y told me im in.
wait before you said i was in. WTF!?
ch33s3y are you alive seriosuly
Dude i think ch33syb0y is dead on FH now he's never on.
to change name to your GT
sure all you have to do is go to community maps and click new thread. if you want to know how to put pics, go to last page and the bottom heres...
Great job man. I've seen that soccer ball from some guy before except it was in the ground (ZOMG). Nice Aesthetic part of the map with the power...
on the last few pics
WOW. This is better than the first one by so much. I just noticed that you didn't fix any interlockings, like the stairs interlocked beside a...
and hav you watched charlie the unicorn?
wheres day 12
Nice, looks great. You interlocked the sniper tower base really well. Good thing you can't cheat. Looks great make v2
i wants recruiting test NAO!!
Really nice. Good interlocking except in the last pic. This very clean and you used nice use of other items like barrels. LOLZ. 3.5/5