Gah.. so many points to address. Alright well first of all I did mention that the swimsuits are advancing but you cannot say that a modernized...
Well I have something to add here. Michael Phelps is genetically blessed. By that I mean, he was born an athlete. He has double jointed knees...
looks pretty cool, I really like the colors and the lighting. It looked like a grunt when I first saw this. lol
Wow... you are a ****ing idiot. Not only does it piss me off that you don't know about Gerogia but it is also sick to say that about the reporter,...
Are you trying to say a Two MONTH?
I guess I will join this shenanigan but when do the entry's close?
they are all pretty cool but # 2 is the best... star wars...
haha thats a good shot. You really captured the moment