Nice Driscoll, it is quite badass. I would only suggest toning down the white and making it more blue.
Nice I like them, my favorite is v3 probly. I think it would be cool if you took an eraser that was set to a cool looking brush and erased some of...
Shabloink.. this is mostly layer stacking, color changing, and erasing using cool brushes. [IMG]
Tex... don't come into hear ranting on about why you hate everything G&A related. If you came here more often than just popping in for people to...
... Seriously Alby.... I hope thats sarcasm but if it isnt then that should merit disqualification. Dont vote for yourself thats stupid....
Nice it looks good. the one thing i would do is just add in some more effects that are behind her head. Like some splatters or something.. just a...
.. uhh yeah its alright.. there isn't much depth to the sig .. you need some direction to it.. but i guess you said it was random so w/e. the...
lol thanks norlinsky.. thats a winner and big enough to fill up a piece of paper
I am ... but mine arent turning out well.. and some people here are brilliant at this sort of thing so..
lol... i need this logo thing for a school banner by tommorow.. its all in the thread i made, and you have superb graphics skills so i thought you...
Lockdownn, my love, could you possibly take a stab at my request on the G&A forum thanks dear
darn.. oh well.. sleep tight darling
hey.. since you are the god of all things graphics.. could you take a stab at my request.. its in the G&A forum very top
OK here is the deal My school is making a banner for the Ping Pong club that will be put up next to the rest of the club banners It needs to...
Umm... is that musical related?? 6/10.. not enough depth.. add some c4ds [IMG]
Thanks for all the feedback guys.. and Diz.. i will check out how that looks thx
mmmm.. tastes good doesn't it [IMG]
Top one is definitely best in my opinion.. i like the render
.. pretty quickly done [IMG]
[IMG] or [IMG] I cant choose which one I like best for SOTW help me!