I just jizzed on my keyboard. Holy ****, I want to play Halo 3 now, just because of this, **** MW2, lol.
The ACR is like a sniper. lol An automatic sniper.
I'm at level 66, blarggggg, I'm so close. I'd like my models too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X0ciKm-igE&feature=player_embedded# This one is actualy pretty good, borderline on over editing tho, but great...
\o Fllr UMP is awesome for the FFA playlist. went 30 - 2 on scrapyard using the UMP the other day.
Meh, i'll try and find a smaller PNG of it, had to use gimp. :/
Nou fllr
SMG Class UMP45 (Blue tiger) ACOG Sight FMJ Desert Eagle Tac Knife FMJ Bling Pro Cold Blooded Pro Commando Pro
Intervention (Blue Tiger) FMJ Regular Scope Desert Eagle FMJ Sleight Of Hand Pro Stopping Power Pro Commando Pro Throwing Knife Stun Grenade...
YouTube- ix FuZioN | MW2 'Kinetic' | HD Some pretty decent editing. Found it on MW2kids channel.
Meh, I dont knife that much, Its not so much a knifing class, more like a mix between an SMG and knifing class, which is helpful.
Ultimate Knifing class UMP w/Rapid Fire Desert Eagle W/Tac Knife Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Commando Pro
Can you post the Sleight of hand pro avv for me? I want one like yours, just with a transluscent BG and it being sleight of hand.
I actualy don't like the M1014, I don't like shotguns in general, needz moar magnum, or desert eagle. Desert eagle = <3
Why didn't they quit? Lol, I would have rage quit a while back. :P Simply ****ing amazing, lol, nice job guys.