Spas 12 > Striker Longer Range is nice, plus it satisfying to kill with.
Which often results in getting a less than stellar K/D Mine right now is .95
Your more pro because you have learned that the best weapons are never unlocked, imo. Because you start with them. The weapons being:...
Just prestiged yesterday, in two hours im already at level 20. :D As usual, switching off with intervention and the UMP, and doing pretty good....
I love the v2 of the first one, for the second one, crop off some off the left side, or make some more stuff happen there, its just kinda empty....
Purdy lighting, choppy text, minimal effects. Throw some fitting C4D's on that, looks pretty good, but do some more to it.
You need to embed the pictures at sites like photobucket or imageshack, upload them there and then post them here, because we can't see 'um. And...
He only does that because hes trying to demonstrate quick scoping, the guy in the video doesn't care if he dies, just as long as he gets a good...
It can be done with the barrett, but its better with the intervention. All you have to do is: 1. Aim at your target. 2. scope in really quickly...
Screw the FAL. Needz moar intervenion. In all seriousness, I cant get any attachments for the FAL, when everyone else is running round with...
uhhhh Lots of people do it. Personaly, I use SOH with the Intervention, but still, lots of people use bling with their snipers, to get both...
AA12 no matter how nooby it is, works. Red dot doesn't really do anything, I know. SMG with stopping power works, the whole class works, trust...
Marathong, lawl. Search class of epicness. UMP45 - Urban skin FMJ Holographic AA12 Red Dot Sight Grip Marathon Stopping Power Ninja C4...
^ Copy pasta copy pasta fail. Anyways. Did the update do anything with the UMP? It seems...weaker now.
Lol, cool guys don't look at explosions. Funny :] My favorite is definetly the first, though in a couple, try to get better angles so that the...
I just pulled off a 360 kill with an intervention on Rust in a FFA game. And it was for the last kill. People screamed....really loud. And so...
Can I use this as an Avvy? I'll give you R0FLcookies. Lots.
Spas-12 with sleight of hand = BESSSSTTTTT I already said it, but I'll say it again.
Glocks (g18's) are pretty nice. Not as nice as Akimbo Rafficas, or desert eagles.
With sleight of hand, the Spas-12 is the best shotgun, ever. I still like the Desert eagle with FMJ tho.