stfu its called "liquifying"
Try using akimbo magnums w/ Last stand and stopping power sometime, it works, trust me.
Why? Because you think their nooby, or because you suck with them? I'm assuming the latter.
No c4d's used. Nub caek. :DDDD
AKIMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO /nocaps But seriously, akimbo magnums = <3
Scobra, YOUR DOING IT WRONG!!!!111!!1!1!!! Its primary and secondary, not primary and primary. And meltyourtv, this part of the forum counts for...
[IMG] Full color [IMG] V3 [IMG] CNC No comments? SHENANIGANSSSSS
Hmm, looks basic, but fun, kinda like space invaders. Good job. :]
Meh, It's ok, I guess, though it looks like you spent about half of a day getting these clips, there no editing, and I didn't see very many...
GAHHHHHHH I hate Karachi sooooo much. So much camping/secret camping spots/sitting with an AA-12. And when your not camping, your out in the...
YouTube- Alborosie - herbalist dubstep remix
YouTube- Mt Eden Dubstep - Bat for lashes: Daniel
I tried UMP with ACOG, didn't work great, holographic is wayyyyyy better, I really want to use the MP5K when I get back from Vacation, I have...
It looks like Im rolling on the wall laughing. Son i am dissapoint. JK, <3
Is Favela anyone elses favorite map? I love it. + Spas with Forgegrip is better than the M104, not exactly damage wise, but range and clip size...
I wish I was one of the cool kids is hilarious, and the others kind of just have mediocre explosions and effects, definetly submit the cool kids one.
Stats say it has more range, but I dunno, spas seems to have a lot of range.
Its so nice to be able to reload really fast, but I don't quickscope a lot. I guess scavenger would be pretty helpful.
Cool. Will be very helpful with my intervention, but I do love sleight of hand. :/
****ing lol. The monolougue at the end was hilarious.