I can't read your post, because I blocked/ignored you the last time you started ****ing with me, but just to let you know, I can't read the...
Best video I have ever seen. Ever. Ever.
YouTube- dragonFLY | S&D I loved it, especialy how he synched and did the first clip. Loved the music too.
Your sig is lookin kinda......borderline on forum rules. meh whatever not like I'm complaining too much ;) Welcome to the site bro.
I don't use my extended mags for my intervention, considering that I am a reloading *****, my reload finger gets itchy every time I fire a shot....
Sure thing. How 'bout tommorow at 5:00 western?
derp lol, I meant render points. :P
Well, at least Im a ***** who still has all of his MS points. ;)
meh. kay In a little bit, once I get on xbox, we can has chat, kk?
... No ... :3
I almost have fall camo for my intervention. No boosting. fyi And Pred/Airstrike/Harrier killstreak setup ftw. Praying for a cool snowy map.
Holy ****. Nice photoshopping, great post. :D This awesome, I like ace's quote, because that pretty much sums up what I have to say. Amazing job...
Yeah dude.
****ing cheater ass cheater *****. **** YOU! God I love Mw2. ;)
[IMG] CNC? Made in PS Ellements.
[IMG] Derpderpbanner Just an example of what im gonna do when I get a better screenshot, worked on the map a lot last night, ill be on later...
[IMG] MACE HAS JOINED US AS WELL! Come to the dark side, rifte, we have animated porn.....and cookies.
Whoa I had heard about this being worked on for a while, I thought you just gave up on it. I guess not. The first picture gets me really excited...
Until I reach level 62, Im going to ***** the magnum so much. Yesterday I picked up a deagle and got 23 straight kills with it, was so much fun...