I just started thinking about this today after playing lone wolves and i decided to make this post sorry if this has been done before if so plz...
Well i personally will give Fallout 3 a 10 overall its is both a FPS and 3PS because the game lets you chose gameplay is pretty fun seeing as you...
I think its pretty good but i see where the other guys are coming form did you do it in campaign or what? i say 4/5 if it is campaign then plz...
I agree with ABigDumbOgre since i tested it with him humans who are good just shot zombies in the head until they reach the end or the truck...
Here are 2 pictures by me hope you like SMG Light [IMG] Blurry [IMG] Night [IMG] Goo man [IMG]
Is there any effect on this picture or is it just a exploding banshee with a guy whos immune in front of it. all-in-all i say 4/5
For some reason i like electric more then inner madness electric is unique because I've never noticed it before inner madness is kinda new but i...
I play MLG and this looks a lot like a edited onslaught map if it is then stop stealing maps or just stop stealing ideas plz
I like this map plus you made this flow pretty well good idea for taking pictures by showing floor by floor make more maps plz
I like your helm and the explosion and weapon so its pretty good but still mess around and you will get even better pitcures 4/5
I say its simple but I've never seen it before and the colors mix well so 4.5/5 keep e'm coming
I think they are OK so let me rate them 1 by 1 1st:to bright not centered 2/5 2nd:entertaining but my friends have done it so 3/5 3rd:really...
I like this map but it reminds me of the map jaws with a different blocking wall watsh out because you might be able to jump out of the map...
Thank you to both of you i was thinking of slayer and i always liked walkways if i make this map I'll post it I was aiming for 1 building with...
I kinda like it but i've used that effect before and its easy to get a pic like that. still i will give it 3/5 try other weapons and stuff
I've seen a few like it but still you have it centered and have a good angle so 3.5/5
I played this map and saw only one flaw and that is hiding until the floating base spawns and then jumping in with all of the humans and...
I want to make a good map so will you plz give me ideas for game mode and what weapons you like. If you want you can help me actually forge
In all i would give them 3.5/5 if you want to improve then try changing armor
My favorite picture of yours is bog the elite warrior the rest i would give 3.5/5 Bog-5/5 Elite warrior-4.75/5