definitely border is the best because it looks like hes telling people to follow him into the light 4/5 my least favorite is versatile 2/5
I find these all to be average but there are a few good ones like warzone 4.5/5 and cover 4/5 try grenade effects on some flod missions because...
The first is the best only because you did a good job with light and centering the fourth would be the best if centered better overall 3.5/5 try...
I hate to tell you this but there is a glitch in your general store you can get on the built in garage door i was playing this with about 8 people...
I really like inner demon it gets a 5/5 the rest get 3/5 Because of you i will try and make a BNW screenshot gallery tommorrow
I didn't notice any weapons on the map so if there are any will you plz say also don't post in a hurry we can wait and another thing plz make a...
that's pretty cool 4/5 you inspired me to take some non action shots so I hope they turn out good you should really try making more of these...
I have a 37 in slayer then 18 lone wolves and 10 MLG I feel bad but then again i only have 12Xp in MLG 18Xp in Lone Wolves 73Xp in Slayer
don't try and take a pic with pilot they don't count i read up on it and only the real ODSt count also were you gonna make a army of pilots on a...
whats a proxy sorry I don't know did he do something to get banned on his first post because it looks fine to me if so please warn me about what...
this picture is descent switch you chest to a normal one so the gun Isn't in it try messing around with radioactive and this effect since you like...
They are all average screenies i like the captions to bad they don't give recon for them the second has the best description lol 3/5 overall
I think the last one is the best the others all are average the first is bad in general to far away only a 1/5 lone shotty is a 3/5 i kinda like...
sorry to say but these are average the first one is mainly master chief not ODST so 2/5 the three after them are OK but I've seen them before...
Guys I think energy is the best and my least favorite are the ones with the needler (only because there the same from to angles) the flame...
Here are my ODST pics from campaign these are tagged on as the same Electric ODST [IMG] A Real Solider [IMG] Green ODST [IMG] ODST...
I would gve a 5/5 to the first 2 then only 3/5 for the next two the fifth is a 3.5/5 because of the body the last one is a 4.75/5 to me center the...
Me I'm a major with enough skill to be commander i have a high skill 37 in team slayer i just want be brig though
I kinda like it but how about different gun like shotgun or snipe and then put and explosion in the background BUT STILL 3/5 I like pics on cold...
Now that you say it I realize you're right I never looked at being spawn killed in MLG because i thought oh lets kill not where the heck did i die...