hey theorem i just wanna say i like some of your screenshots and i was wondering if you wanted to help give me some new ideas cause i haven't been...
yes i agree with the former statement all of them look fine and i like the third one colors and lighting, so it might just be me but crazy pants...
honestly i kinda like it but the Spartan's to far back in my opinion if you zoomed in or just got closer and put the smoke to the side more it...
i was fighting in only the center of guardian and there was random stuff all over including explosives so yeah i got ganged up on by a...
i love the third plus I have used it before for a pic which is very difficult to do but also the 4th background is never done in screenshots use it.
here are my pics [spoiler]
yeh i don't see this that much so i don't know what these guys saying but i posted one of mine i got my arm to go very long but still i find these...
honestly i would give the last one a 3.5/5 and the rest 4.5, the colors are amazing on vibrant hero also stardust is amazing for no people and i...
nice pic, i haven't noticed you lately with pics, it might just me be but this is my favorite of yours that I've seen 5/5 i like the little you...
This screen shot is a complete accident but i thought why the hell not post it so here it is, [IMG] rate this if you like I don't care i think...
Why is every one so fascinated its kinda easy to sky write I've done it before with things like BEAR and MLG Pro all turned out ok but i got...
good pic blue won nice elite pic he looks like hes dying so is he or is it just the angle anyway nice pic 4/5 wish red was in it morenot just...
that was an inch away from max pain ow funny as **** though 4/5 rare shot but seen it once before.
very nice pic because you don't see many of the Arbiter and the stance and and lighting are right 4.5/5 nice campaign pic.
here are 5 more pics from me plz rate and tell me what you think BNW Sniper [IMG] White Run (needs new name) [IMG] Burning Lift [IMG] Blue...
who ever made this seriously has no life but still i love it omg 100/5 its not even possible
no one ever talks about there favorite screenshot of theirs or a friends they just judge posts one by one I started this to see what people's...
I say screw uniforms people say it stops gangs but trust me it doesn't in my school we have at least 2 fights a week sometimes more :) (funny...
cool looking pic even though I don't see what the spider is suppose to be still cool nice use of fx's 3/5
here are my newest pics for today I hope you like them rate them plz Red Spartan [IMG] Bright Shotty [IMG] Blue Claw [IMG]