I hope its not too late but here are my two Blue Sniper [IMG] Here's my next [IMG]
Teapot i can also get my teachers to laugh sometimes which really save you and makes your teachers love you and you get away from classwork for...
also like someone said earlier the magnum is such a easy weapon to get kills with at times in can beat BR's which I've proved many times also on...
i say pic two because on the left side theres less white showing plus i like the slight angle change 3.9 for #1 4 for #2 a difference but not much...
yeah the good thing for me is that i know alot of the kids who play sports in the high school and i know a few more through XBOX LIVE so i think...
ok i like em but also whats is the vidmaster annual thingy 4.5/5 overall seriously plz tell me wtf the vidmaster thing is.
dude that better win so that is sweetly a cool picture i say 5/5 and plus its very well made/angled
that's just weird yet slightly entertaining and yet creepy again still 6/5 for pure creepy awesomeness i love it in a weird way
yeah i take stuff that's a grade ahead of me also so hell yeah I'll get to take AP sooner and empty my backpack sooner in my high school career.
ok i really do lvoe cod4 and i use 3 classes and 2 others that i get challenges on my first one is G36C silenced usp bandolier stopping power...
Yeah I'm gonna be a freshman next year so i'll take your tips also the one problem is that my brother goes to the same school and will be a...
I read the book and liked it so i hope its better then the da vinci code cause that was a huge waste of my time to see.
I love the last one and i also borrowed the effect thank you again 5/5 the first ones pretty good I'd say 4/5 and the second one is also a 4/5...
All of these pics are decent but at least none of em suck a lot my favorite is the first most unique of all 3/5 overall
Hills suck but running is important plus I'm just gonna run a few miles a day this summer and do core workouts since i don't need the arm muscles...
Here are two screenshots by me i took today Red Thought (thanks to Black Theorem for the help) [IMG] Blue Dreams(happened when I threw a plasma...
the third one is great and i also like the second 4/5 overall very nice
great pic and also all i can say is that i can't pimp out my ride more so congrats. 6/5 because this pic is just so epic
Here I am with some new pics hope you like them so enjoy Fiery Dream [IMG] Blinded Help [IMG] Pink Gunner [IMG] Slime Sniper [IMG] Rate...
um you added me a while back i thin