Nibbs can drink now...happy birthday!
Quit spamming messages advertising your lobbies here. Nobody will join if they are annoyed by the spam(namely everybody on forgehub)
Nice avatar, L is awesome.
Congrats on staffers
Hey, just noticed the orange, congrats
My friend has turtle beaches, while they sound really well and he can here really well, his mic cuts his sentences up 3-4 times as much as with...
First of all you are not being a nuiscence at all, forge questions are okay and it's not bad to get help from fellow forgers. As for your...
Nah, I had a group that for circumstances that arose I could never get off the ground I tried to have it deleted but I'm not sure if that is even...
Sorry for the slight bump, would you recommend this map for a 4v4? Also what gametypes are best on here?
Wait, there's two FFC groups now? Ah well I could never get mine up anyway. I'll probaly join once I get 4 sometime.
Feliz cumpleanos señor! (That means happy birthday if you don't know.)
Rorak is great at stippling. I like this new one, looking forward to its completion.
It might just be me but your pictures seem to be broken 0_o
Haha, or one of the divers. Love how everybody is ignoring the turtle in the beginning though.
Troll, ya quite a bit has changed.
? You on you iPhone that you just got?
You called Chris black, that's what we do. Come to lolbox.
Nice avy, destiny looks secks.
Chris C?