Iv'e been watching the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and it has been enjoyable although I guess it isn't a anime you are not supposed to take...
Great job so far. Btw this is how you do a spoiler tag: {spoiler}your text in here{/spoiler} (obviously the {'s will be ['s) it will look like...
Hmm. Not sure what to watch now I recently went through angel beats again out of Bordem and was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions in...
Does that mean you had to redownload your profile and everything you had ever downloaded? Like a downloaded game?
Hey look! It's my happy birthday message from last year still on the same page! Well, happy birthday.
Haha, that's pretty funny. Welcome to forgehub sir, I'm waterfall.
Thanks very much sir! I need to go delete some things from my hard drive then.
I downloaded the forge island content and when I went to forge it said I was missing required downloadable content I downloaded it again and tried...
sorry for the slight bump but I just saw this map and could not resist telling you, Rem how great this looks! you captured all the things I loved...
I can't say I have spent too much time on HaloCustoms, maybe I should go back but I got a warm welcome over there so maybe it is time to return...
Behemoth, you have always been a forger who's maps inspired me. This map is no exception. Being a big team player I am excited for this map, the...
hello sir, welcome to forgehub. I am waterfall, if you have any questions i would be glad to assist to the best of my abilities.
thank god for that. I am excited for the new map coming out! i wonder what the new pieces will be... i heard that there may be trees added to the...
Hey man, you sent me a FR... Can you tell me if we have met before? If so, where?
Wow! This is great news! Far from my expectations! Also, what is in the next TU? Anybody know?
Do I know you? Do you know me?
Any item seen on screen affects your frame rate despite not having any effects on lighting. If the object is on your screen the game has to render...
BTB has always been my favorite, but in halo 4 I rarely play it for its lack of objective games. I agree with everything said above especially...
I do not believe that it will influence spawns. Don't quote me I am not sure.
Yes, hosting lobbies is nice, but there is no need for arrogance. "You should be thanking me" you are not god and you come off as self centered....