Just watched through SAO. Probably my favorite so far. Want more. Also, who here would play SAO despite the risks(death in game obviously means...
I don't believe anyone here is a "senseless idiot" anyways, welcome to forgehub.
Thanks for the write up! It has always been frustrating to deal with a community member who outright refuses to believe that his map has flaws and...
I was not in ANY way saying that they were going to build anything on mars, that was an assumption on your part. as for the astronauts not...
Pardon me if I'm wrong but it appears that you don't think we can come up with the technology in 50 years? Just about 70 years ago, the first...
I think the part about sending infants is a good idea because, as you said; they have no attachments they won't feel depressed etc... But another...
Thinking of watching sword art online, that any good? Eh, gonna go watch it now anyway.
I actually liked some of the things you had to say, you wrote that real long comment and backed it up with examples from your tours in Iraq. It...
Found this you would not be completely isolated but contact with earth would be very slow and impracticle at times.
**** you sky no Internet
Looks secks paints, can't wait to get a good game on this. I haven't played it but if what REM said is true, maybe you could try restricting the...
Even though you haven't been here for a while, happy birthday.
Happy birthday sir.
Happy birthday.
I liked Haruhi dubbed...I also watched angel beats dubbed because I had trouble getting the subbed version to work(I liked subbed better) apart...
Not sure how you uploaded them but in case you did not do it this way, this should work: take your screenshots in theatre you may upload them to...
Ya, I already skipped it by the time I saw your warnings. Haha. On to the next suggestion. Haruhi was good a little odd at times but good.
Y u no get on today.
Are you talking about "The disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya"? should I watch it AFTER finishing the 2009 series?