STATIC SHOCK description: this place use to be a generator that supplies energy but some people think that this place is a laboratory for...
thanks I appreciate your help
can you guys tell me how to fuse overshields and camos in to a double box such as this map as an example [IMG]
*CHUBBY* This is my version of fat kid that i made a couple of weeks ago and it took me about 5 hours to finish the map and everything went fine...
This Map kicks ass its alot of fun
thats an excellent Idea thanks [IMG]
I want to put it organize but i want it crazy I will make a V2 that is all strait about it
HAMMER SLAM! [IMG] Hammer slam is just like monster jam but more different than using cars to knock people off the cliff, They use...
I not a dumbass you annoying 7 year old kid Iam new here and plus your a stupid unsc trainee so dont say crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You very much for telling me this barely new here in forge hub
map: game is about survival and tactical ways to get out. :...