cool map interlocking could be more better 4/5
how did you make the efects ?
alot of people start smoking at the age of 12 isnt that ridiculous?
far cry 2 has better easier forging then halo 3 but i think the games wouldn't be that fun as halo 3s custom game
I think a big nuclear exsplotion will happen in 2012 if freaking countries wont get along such as North Korea plus i think the london olympics...
for what you guys are saying that you suck and all those stuff he defenently deserve this award see i got a picture of him in halo too lol! [IMG]
maybe what iam going to do that day is play is to get my gamer score up or play cod4 all day since i got all the achievements from halo 3
Bungie cant do that to us because since halo 4 will not be confirmed they would still need to add more or else halo would be dead :(
this is awesome
improve melee system
me and my friend went out of the map in cortana because we got bored while we we were all playing around we all die at the same time looks like...
ARSENAL [IMG] This map is small, but it has 3 floors.It is good for free for all games like juggernaut,oddball,and other slayer games you want to...
they should realy improve the controls and aiming because thats a good ass game
no wonder digital ph33r wont post as much of arby n the chief videos in machinima because you have to do it on local it would be more faster if...
well kids are annoying and nooby at halo 3 but i would say that kids are okay to play halo 3 because they could be a marine in the future
1:chowder 2:simpsons 3:Family guy
Have you seen there forge idea? It was awesome
can anyone send me a tutorial of making an elevator I looked in forging 101 and its not there so anyone have the link on how to make an elevator?
Iam gona make a vs of that it will have elvators and other stuff to make it exciting