Nice Video, Nice feature... I think that from the 3 featured maps, yours is the best one... Btw, I would have destroyed your reputation that a...
Kudos for the cheesy Matrix effect in you video... And congrants on you feature on ForgeHub. I am goign back home this winter and problably I am...
Dude... when you have the final version, PM me plz, this looks like a good remake...
Hey Kewl... I think this is GREAT... xD I love it...
I would So much play juggernaut here... Or infection... I think Infection would be amazing here too... Do you mind if I set up the gametypes you...
BTW, I know the community is pretty selective here... But i think your map looks nice... I will download it... I Love invasion and I made an...
Hammer in a rainbow six replica? You should use only human weapons!!!
No offense, but the cover glass in front of the sniping post is a FAIL
It looks good, but it does not have all the rooms... Why do not check my chiron... maybe drop a comment... and maybe we can forge together...
lol, this younglings...
from what game is this remade?; Download ++;
I downloaded it and I loved it... but I enjoyed even more when I slightly moved the cannons to face each other... and when people in the...
Dude, I made an Invasion map on the same spot... you can check my map out to see how I solved the problems... The first problem is that probably...
Hey! This MAP IS AWSOME!! And Active Camo is a BEEEEAAAAAASSSSTTTT HERE!!!! I Effin LOVE IT!!! Dude... this was my favorite map in AVP... BTW,...
Dude, I have a boarding action... but I haven;t posted it... because it is only the first 3 floors... We should denitively forge together one day...
I Bow to you... I barely reached where the ground begins.
Dude!! This looks SICK!!! Instant DL!
Dude! I want to SO play Act 1: The sewers :(
Hey! all boarding actions fans!! I have a Boarding Action map with the exact measurment of the first 3 floors of boarding... however, I am...