they are hiding the camera equipment because it is all staged
five hundred dollars!!!!11!!!one i'd rather buy a new 360
i dont care for mlg but from that guys talking he was just being irrational
1- halo 3 2- assassins creed 3- guitar hero 3 4- oblivion 5- guitar hero 2
i used to do fencing a while ago, i wasn't very good. last time i spared i was ten hence the last spar ten ps. i also liked halo alot.
do you seriously believe that crap 25 years ago people were screaming ahh global cooling the second ice age for the same reasons that your all...
gaming is my anti drug.
very cool it almost has a sort of town feeling to it with all the winding streets
i know how to interlock there wasn't the need on parts of the map and the on other pats i did interlock such as the four upper platforms are...
that hallway look like it would be psychotic
if you read the description that was my biggest worry so i worked hard to keep it from doing that and it doesn't lag anymore actually ya i was...
eruption is an map with radial symmetry and the central decoration being a working volcano the hardest part was making it so that it wouldn't lag...
i dropped lots of fusion cores on the ground so that they all would respawn in the same spot set the minimum to 32 so that they would explode...
very intricate best soccer map ive seen
its bad that your map keeps getting stolen i chewed out my cousin for downloading barts manor and telling me that he made it just because he...
on the maps sections you could make a template that has like a minimum of so many pics and spot for description and if it isn't filled out then...
unless you have your xbox like right next the wireless transmitter then the cable will be better and even if you have i that close its cheaper to...
agreed the people who cuss people out on live give people against gaming ammunition to ruin it for the rest of us cough fox news cough
i agree with dom the amount of flaming on the net in general not just forge hub has to stop. even if you don't care because "its the internet"...
i want his brain he can have it back after s.a.t.'s next year