hey why havnt i got your invite its 8:30 eastern already are central time or something
also a dl link would be nice
an excellent map well thought and looks very thought out and also aesthetic look great like the gravlift with the doors.
for not having any interlocking this is very good its thought out and looks very nice ill dl but there will be some who wont because of no...
mango don't be to harsh this looks well thought out its not easy to make good maps on ghost town. 4/5
holy crap that is amazing I didn't even have to think about what it was it was just HOLY CRAP GIANT ELITE
looks great especially for your first post ill dl and try it out
sit in my base with four fans blowing playing halo3
no would you eat a fried dog and kitten for 5 dollars
i want midship and blood gulch back forging on blood gulch would awesome + it would make red vs blue even better
this map is amazing definitely a dl the interlocking is awesome and the aesthetics perfect
thank you i think i saw yours i wasn't too bad just different
sorry i posted the wrong link before, some of the key items weren't set to spawn, its fixed now for anyone who downloaded it
aw man i was about post a picture like that way to beat me besides yours is better
thank you for the description ninja
that why i love that resteraunt they don't care if you drive up high
nice map i haven't played many mazes before i'll try it out
dude your map looks great but try combine posts rather then quadrupal post
this looks incredible i've never seen a mansion map with this much thought definitely a dl
he's only just testing it this should be in off topic