i think the he meant that he wanted it to look messy and it does sort of but he also took the initiative to make the track clean also 4/5
i have to say good job on your first post some interlocking might make it smoother but im dling anyway to learn how to interlock go to the forging...
personally i think it would be irresponsible to pull out now i and even if the country stabilizes we should not leave entirely because simply so...
i feel that set belts are important because they save lives but i also feel that government does not have the right to make us wear them i am a...
i can tell you what is wrong with the rating system it isn't rated by gamers they basically pay regular people off the street to rate the games...
the really looks awesome it should get a double xp weekend 6.5/5
Ijust have to say v for vendetta is the best movie ever
bab he means interlocking wall like double boxes merged together you can check it out in the forging 101 sections
wow the only similarity is a hallway you have a soccer ball he has a spool his is a mini game assault yours is a casual map with many other...
i just have to say i agree with everyone that doesn't like the mii thing and reynbow don't even try to flame me from reading this its pretty...
hey who says pa is worst state you could live in louisiana that place is very corrupt especially N.O.
how can you say that Christianity debunks other life forms im a christian and i believe that there is life else where in the universe because...
i have to say the first thing i said when i looked at this was eww but you cant judge book by its cover after seeing the rest and playing it some...
this looks great and you can tell the amount of time an thought that went into its construction not many maps have that but then again not many...
i you had put your shotgun away you would have survived
thank you for the feed back
risky escape [IMG] [IMG] gah my soul is leaving me [IMG] the bigger they are the harder the fall [IMG] atlas shrugged [IMG] air craft carrier...
were you in tx ghosts party cause i didn't get an invite either
were you in tx ghosts party cause that happened to me to no invite that is
i did show up on time i stopped playing with my cousin at 7:25 and waited until 8:30 never got an invite