he reached the top of hill you're not blind if you cant see through a hill
if obama was white he wouldn't even be a choice with only 4 years of senate under his belt. and if you think about it when the dems decided who be...
looks like a really good map i like the central structure but the skeleton may provide an over abundance of weapons still it looks great the...
you are totally correct a women who goes to church is on welfare and has been saving money to send her children to college and to buy a car so...
i never said he was any of those things i'm talking about when he says things like i'm ashamed of mccain for sticking up for my wife when the...
i've got to say the pen is only mightier then the sword because the sword cannot write and writing is an action so if you are going by actions vs...
it true i does i listen to music from Kansas to Disturbed when i listen to Kansas I'm much more calm then when i listen to disturbed
the last time we didn't have a national debt was when andrew jackson was president becausehe believed in only using what we have not what we can...
j pec
its not racist the elite is black
kjncbv;kidsngf you want to say that biden is experienced i don't want any one close to power who thinks that ,and i quote, "when the stock market...
my biggest problem with ipods other then that they are made by apple is that songs from the istore or whatever it is called can only be copied 3...
im a christian but really not in the traditional sense i believe that all the religions find route in one god whether it be allah yaweh god or the...
exactly my brother gets so pissed because i climb up high to snipe and hide but what am i supposed to do hide in the tree on guardian or stand in...
really if gaming isn't a sport then neither is nascar i mean oh im gonna take a left turn like that takes lots of skill
woo tang your map is great for a first time take ladnils advice don't worry boyles dislike to much though i don't think he remembers what it was...
doc man you don't understand economics do you the reason gas costs so much in Europe is because of the taxes on the oil there the less taxes on...
the city is below sea level in there efforts to to create levees marshlands and the delta of the Mississippi river are diminishing at an enormous...
the game looks fun and it is an interesting idea but don't double post
bungie also doesn't like it because the more xp you have the harder it is to level up