Just wanted to say I put up more pics for my map preview of winterfell as you requested. Feel free to chaeck it out.
At the moment I'm looking at 10-16 players and the vehicles I'm using ATM are 2 wraiths, 2 normal hogs 4 mongooses and a neutral ghost. It will...
@Jakisthe That was what I thought @Frozenlynx Yeah, I'm up to Storm of Swords part 1 and loving it, that reminds me I need to order the others....
You can set the waves to what type of Covy squad can't you so surely there is a purely sword option?
More pictures will be posted when I get to go on my xbox again. Changelog Update Added majority of spawn points and kill/safezones In response to...
[IMG] This is an asymmetrical castle themed map that will hopefully play every gametype. If I were to liken it to an existing map, I would...
I loved this map when I played it in TGIF was it? Although our team got owned it was alot of fun, however I will say that there is quite a benefit...
Really? I've played this map alot and never noticed any bad rocks and I've never had a complaint before. Would it be possible to tell me which one...
In answer to what happened to the grunts, 80% joined the elites in their little rebellion but they were kept as enemies in the game so as not to...
7ish but I aint expecting many
Just wondering if you want to combine our tgifs tonight? I'm British too and it'll get more people involved. We could swap host every couple of games
Tis good
Don't forget that it is now new games season so people might be playing other games
I liked Mygeeto from SWBF2 and also Kamino from the same game. I reckon Kamino would make a great forge map and possibly quite an easy one to make...
I've lowered my forge use because of deus ex, but I can't help thinking that lowering the amount of maps being released will help stop great maps...
Just wondering whether you would consider helping run bi-monthly forging contests. After the success of the $5000 comp I thought that they should...
Map name: Causeway Map Creator: Javidson Ist Picture (1):[IMG] Bungie Download Link Recommended game-type link/recommendation: Team Slayer or 3-plots
With that long bridge that will likely cause insane death for attackers, I can't help but think that you would do better by fleshing out the...