I much prefer the new no-greeny pictures. I only have one issue with this map and that is that it is very easy to take the sniper to a very...
Apart from the campaign and the atmosphere of the multiplayer maps, I think reach is better everywhere else. Oh and I wish the customs options...
Hope it works for you
To each his own, I admit it's not my favourite gametype but I still enjoy it with friends (i.e. not the dicks who flood the playlist)
bastards! lol jks I spawn kill people too but I still think you shouldn't be able to do it. (blame the game not the players)
you should watch Total Recall it's really funny even though it's not meant to be
No I was just wondering what people thought was the best playlist for credit gains. Also why do people get so much for grifball?
Seeing as people want grifball I may change op if I can. Also Pegasi I wasn't talking about credits there, just a comment on the playlist itself....
Not to deviate from the OP but I get bored in firefight, it's just too easy. I can go through a whole match and die less than 3 times, in fact I...
Is it not that other people in your lobby don't have the packs?
I'm looking forward to this. How many players will it take?
So after a debate with a friend over which multiplayer playlist gets you up ranks fastest which had no proper conclusion, I thought I'd ask teh...
I think having no defensible areas so the humans must keep moving in a group is more fun for alpha zombies personally. As for the map; picture 4...
Needz moar pokemans! Also one way shields on race maps make me die inside. Is there anyway of removing them?
Or using teleporters and the cave a 'back passage' (lol) entrance. Kinda like a tunnel dug through the cliff.
You think I don't?
^yes I do, don't judge me
A testers night seemed like a good idea so I started this thread just now.
Looks a bit samey to me
I think you do if you've already taken their shields off in the animation