I reckon a Breton who fires off spells till they get close when he finishes them off with swords
Got to agree with this ^ Before you say I havent played the map, you called some places 'camping spots'. Remember, no one likes a camper.
While the map looks fine in your pictures, I would advise you to start a new thread and write everything out properly and EMBED your pictures. Not...
I'm can see what you mean and I find it quite amsuing that the things you mentioned (apart from the windows) were all things I did on a whim with...
Thanks for the fix pyro. I thought the aesthetics were an area I could definitely improve on but I have yet to place any weapons so I can't...
I will reserve judgement untill I've played it, perhaps others should too...
Well following the feedback produced from winterfell 1.0 I decided to remake the map completely from scratch as it would be easier and there were...
magic unicorns
^sleeping? poor show my good man
I play it quite often in my tgifs and it's fun but goes on a bit long so I modified it to make it a bit quicker
Nah waste of money
Shall I get it on xbox when it comes out or wait a month and get it on pc?
Creater, you owe me for the mention in my recap!
Ah I thought it was the generic looking soldier guy in the screens. Playing as joker would suck, he's got that weak bones disease (no disrespect...
Does anyone know anything about the replacement shepard? (the one you play as if shepard died in ME2)
Of course there is nothing wrong with it, one f the things that has made halo so popular is it's versatility to be played in different ways....
I would like to point out at this point that this thread isn't here because everyone likes to 'credit *****', it's here to because me and a mate...
only 700,000Cr before inclement weather pant pant....
portalhub anyone?
Mass effect along with halo has the best story of any game I've played and I don't want to see that ruined with multiplayer that has anything at...