Ok sorry I didn't see this weeks site update and didn't realise it was two weeks later because there was no recap
Pegasi, could I be added to the TGIF host list with the same details as before?
I personally like the dwarf centurions that can't walk through arches or climb stairs, makes them easy to kill for my spell sword.
Someday that will be me, someday I swear it!
^i dream of that much free time
Oblivion will seem shite in comparison I'm afraid.
can someone explain to me the reasoning behind the dialog the thane of whiterun gives you when you ask him for something important lateish in the...
Man I find the dwemer globes really tough to kill but I don't want to check out their resistances because it might be cheating. Also what do you...
The adventurer creeps forward and slits a guard's throat. 200 voices cheer. Other guards wake up. Everyone dies.
@FLying Shoe ILR Would you suggest giving one of each power weapon to each side or giving one side one power weapon and the other another? (i.e....
The TGIF on friday was a nice break but as soon as I was done, I was back playing skyrim the day after.
Please put ^this^ in spoilers as I hadn't got there yet and you ruined that for me
Winterfell V2.1 Pictures: [spoiler] Winterfell is now fully playable for Team Slayer and CTF gamemodes so give it a download and pass on some...
You need enchants to make magic usable at higher levels because the spell's damage doesn't level with your discipline skill.
Just started a second character for a small break as I'm getting slightly bored of my main (spell sword dunmer). My new character is a tank orc...
If they were going to replace the BR with the DMR (which I thought was a good thing) then they needed bloom. Look at how good the gun is now and...
Havn't been to a single Daedric shrine yet or cleared out a dwemer dungeon. I've been inside one but only to hide from a much more powerful frost...
I think halo 3 equipment (with balancing tweaks if needed) plus inbuilt sprint. Any arguments?
^ah no wonder you're so far ahead of me if you played almost 4 times as much
My spoiler sword hasn't seemed to have changed, it's still doing 24 damage (Im level 19). Gametimes? Mine is 23 hours (look at your save file)